Our current wallpaper collection bears the signature of 3 different designers; timeless, iconic designs in our collection are built on aesthetic values, with unique lines. Our current (HD Walls Digital Collection 03) collection includes the adaptation of tropical & jungle patterns to the modern world and romantic patterns in abstract backgrounds.
We take care of our customers' needs and offer fast and reliable service to them at all times. After getting your request, if necessary we can do the following; taking measurements of walls on site, adapting the chosen design according to the wall dimensions (rendering work), making the desired revisions in the colors and shapes of the pattern, making samples in the requested paper types in A3 or A4 size, and executing the production in the shortest time possible and offer support to wallpaper hanging if needed.
All of the patterns in our collection are specially produced according to the wall size. The changes requested in the colors of the patterns (whether it is the background color or the color of any object of the pattern), the shapes (the size of the flowers, the angle of flowers, etc.) of the patterns are adjusted according to the wall dimensions, the pattern is fully customized according to the customer's request.